Sliced Strawberries of the Mind
Suboptimal Interpretation
Sordid Ill-Repute
Neverending Mental Health Crisis in the Newest Empire
Hundreds of Melting Holograms
Placebo Witch
I’m An Idiot
The Metaphysical Politics of ‘Why’
Symptoms of Various Deficiencies

Stone Made of Stones
Merely Inspired
Clandestine Chemist
Casual Vanity
The Mere Fact
Triple Both
Good Bad Times
Pisces Crises

Designed to Terrify
Perforated Psyche
Obtained Loss
Archetype Randomizer
Gender As Fashion
Can of Tendrils
Dying Promise
Gentle Intrusion
Pre-Emptive Sense of Loss
Poetic Disposition

Play Involves No Hidden Information
Flirting with the Flying Saucer
Industrial Capacity
Human Segfault Juice
Appendages of Gaia
Murder Migration
Spookbusting in the Anthropocene
Moon Children International
Liturgical Mania

Open-Source Eschaton
Silent Sayonara
Side-Eye Amphibian
Deep Soul Disappointment
Recycled Ectoplasm
The Ludicrous Notion’s Precipitous Motion
The Bulging Rug
Hostage Society
Chef’s Kissinger
Semitones and Dissonance

Sublime Mold
Logos’d in the Shell
Dangerous Vacation
Armed and Arboreal
Mayan Vaporwave
Predictively Pareto
Childish Gnosis
Childlike Knows-This
Pursuant to the Necessary Degree

Jankier and Angrier
McDonald Central Meat Nexus
New Kind of History
Velcro Soul
Turn Upside Up
Never Nothing
Conjoined Baggage
Sexy Double Fear
Instant Sass

Between Plant and Ghost
Cosmic Horror Cutie
Basic Bitch Blended Basil
Ever-Expanding Schema
Null Fungus
Multi-Orgasmic Howard
Poor Bastard Creature

Intentional Ambiguity
Morphogenetic Intent
Scarcity of Traits
Automatic Association
Developmental Detour
Primal Scream Vibecheck
Hella Around

E-mail Address Used During BANDAI NAMCO ID Registration
Slab Into Mouth
D-List Ghost
I Love To Be Neurotoxic Too
Simple Sandwich
Recursive Self-Inflicted Metaphysical Amnesia
Foreclosure of the Signifier

Enthusiasm Cylinder
Friendship Scientist
True, Unfortunately
The Presence Cube
Refusal of the Dying Self
H O T  B R E A D
Redirected Instincts