"I am a poet who composes what life proses and who proses what life composes." - Khalil Gibran
"Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas which, given enough time, turns into people." - Edward R Harrison
"Intelligence is a bootstrapping process by which complex systems pressure themselves to supersede the limitations that were necessary to bring them about. It is the universe rejecting its own censorship. We are intention wrapped in a self-contained medium. I'm a story pulling the next page over itself." - The Halls Careen
"Know that laws don't govern us, we're governed by what we say. What we think, why we think it, how we handle. Place no blame, point no fingers, take your aim. Shoot to kill the bullshit." - Saul Williams
"I see the rain does not respect state lines, why should you?" - Yoni Wolf
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